martes, 3 de julio de 2012

A Ham from Teruel for the Champions of the Euro2012

At the start of this Euro 2012, the Regulatory Council of Ham from Teruel, publicly promised that if Spanish National team got the cup, give away a PDO Ham from Teruel to each of the 23 players. 

Last Sunday we all saw and enjoy the historic victory of Spain over Italy in the final. The large score (4-0) certified that Spain has become part of the legends of this sport. No one in history has gotten the called 'Triple Crown', winning Euro-World Cup-Euro.

Today, the Regulatory Council of Ham from Teruel, has announced that will contact the Royal Spanish Football Federation to fullfill its promise and give a delicious and certified Ham from Teruel to each player.

The relation of Ham from Teruel and Spanish football is not new and on good terms: Luis Milla, Under-21 Spanish National team coach and former Real Madrid player, was given a Ham from Teruel PDO a few months ago, also the present coach, Vicente del Bosque, received a jamon in February due to his visit to Teruel city. 

From Antonio Mata want to congratulate all members of the Spanish National team on the success achieved in the Euro2012 and make us proud of them. Thanks champions!

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