European foodstuffs play an important role in the cultural identity of European citizens and regions. The EU approach includes a strict control system to ensure high quality the European food and drinks.
Designation of origin: is linked to the name of a region, a specific place or, in exceptional cases, a country, used to describe an agricultural product or a foodstuff:
-originating in that region, specific place or country, and
-the quality or characteristics of which are essentially or exclusively due to a particular geographical environment with its inherent natural and human factors, and
-the production, processing and preparation of which take place in the defined geographical area
"JAMON DE TERUEL" is the oldest cured ham´s Spanish Designation of Origin protected by the EU.
P.D.O. Ham from Teruel EU quality label
Designation of origin vs. geographical indication:
The two types of geographical description are different:
- A PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) covers the term used to describe foodstuffs which are produced, processed and prepared in a given geographical area using recognised know-how (such as Jamón de Teruel).
- A PGI indicates a link with the area in at least one of the stages of production, processing or preparation (such as Turrón de Alicante).
The link with the geographical area is therefore stronger for PDOs.
Teruel province is considered one of the best Spanish areas to produce delicious cured pork hams because of its orography, climate, large traditions and know how. More than 2.000 people are working for companies related to pork industry in Teruel.
For any further information about Teruel and "Jamón de Teruel" P.D.O. (Ham from Teruel P.D.O.) you can follow our page :
"Jamón de Teruel" P.O.D. Regulatory Council official website:

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